Tag Archives: how to say please in Chinese

Please in Chinese

Video for Please in Chinese

Speaking Chinese is easy with video, especially for Chinese phrases such as please in Chinese! See how easy it is to say please in Chinese in just a couple minutes!

How to Use Please in Chinese

To use please in Chinese, make sure the Chinese character begins the request. Begin the sentence with 请 (qǐng) and then follow it with whatever it is that you’d like to ask in Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese language makes it easy to use please in Chinese by placing it at the beginning of a sentence.

Please in Chinese Characters

To see please in Chinese characters, take a look below. You’ll also notice that the Chinese PinYin for please in Chinese is included. The PinYin will help you to say this character more easily and should sound like “ching” being said almost as a grunt since it’s said with the third tone.

please in Chinese

Other Ways to Say Please in Chinese

There are other phrases for saying please in Chinese, especially when you need to emphasize your request! But to find out about these phrases, be sure to watch the video. Hope this will be of help to you as you learn how to say please in Chinese!


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